A6211 - Power Electronics

This is a core subject for electrical and electronics engineering students of third Year. The objective is to make them familiar with various power electronic switches and converter circuits. This course deals with operation of various power electronic devices like SCR, IGBT, MOSFET, etc. Also, this course mainly emphasizes on basic power electronic converter circuits such as Phase controlled rectifiers, Choppers, AC voltage controllers,Cyclo-converters and Inverters.
Course Outcomes
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
A6211.1 Apply the knowledge of electronic devices and circuit analysis to study the characteristics of thyristors.
A6211.2 Analyse the performance of converters for a multi-quadrant application.
A6211.3 Analyse and design the power electronic converters to meet specific requirements.
A6211.4 Calculate the performance parameters of Converters for specified applications.
A6211.5 Apply PWM techniques to enhance the performance of power electronic converters.
Power Semi Conductor Devices And Commutation Circuits: Thyristors - Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR’s), BJT, power MOSFET, power IGBT,GTO and their characteristics. Basic operation of SCR, Static characteristics, turn on and turn off methods, Dynamic characteristics of SCR, two transistor analogy, Protection and ratings of SCR’s, series and parallel connections of SCR’s, snubber circuit, line commutation and forced commutation circuits.
Single Phase Controlled Converters: Phase control technique, single phase line commutated converters, midpoint and bridge connections, half controlled converters and fully controlled converters -with R, RL loads and RLE load, without and with freewheeling diode. Derivation of average load voltage and current, line commutated inverter, performance parameters, effect of source inductance.
Three Phase Line Commutated Converters: Three pulse and six pulse conversion, average load voltage with R and RL loads, effect of source inductance, dual converters (single phase and three phase). AC Voltage Controllers: AC voltage controllers, single phase two SCR’s in anti parallel with R and RL loads, Triac with R and RL loads, derivation of RMS load voltage, current and input power factor.
Cyclo Converters: Single phase midpoint cyclo-converters with resistive and inductive load (principle of operation only), bridge configuration of single phase cyclo-converter ,principle of operation and waveforms. Choppers: Time ratio control and current limit control strategies, step down chopper, step up chopper and step up/down chopper, derivation of load voltage expression. Morgan’s chopper and Jone’s chopper.
Inverters: Basic series inverter, basic parallel inverter, single phase bridge inverter, waveforms, Three phase inverters (120 and 180 degree operation), voltage control techniques for inverters-pulse width modulation techniques.
Text Books
- M. D. Singh, K. B. Kanchandhani (2008), Power Electronics, 3rd edition, Tata Mc graw hill publishing company, New Delhi.
- M. H. Rashid (2003), Power Electronic Circuits, Devices and applications, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, India.
Reference Books
- Vedam Subramanyam (1997), Power Electronics, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi.
- R. Murthy (2005), Power Electronics, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- P. C. Sen(2001), Power Electronics, 30th edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing, New Delhi.
Lecture Notes
Inform the instructor any time prior to the due date for an assignment that you wish to use a late day; you may then turn in the assignment up to 24 hours late. Multiple late days may be used on the same assignment. There are no partial late days; turning in an assignment 2 hours late or 20 hours late will both use 1 late day. Note that late days are intended to cover both normal circumstances (you simply want more time to work on the assignment) and exceptional circumstances. The late assignments will receive at most half credit.
Alternate Assessments
# | Name | Assigned | Due |
1 | [Assignment # 1]Download | 20.10.2021 | 30.10.2021 |
2 | [Assignment # 2]Download | 20.12.2021 | 30.10.2021 |
- Study of SCR, MOSFET & IGBT Characteristics. Download
- Study of DC Jone’s Chopper. Download
- Single Phase AC Voltage Controller with R and RL Loads. Download
- Analysis of Single Phase bridge converter with R and RL loads. Download
- Single Phase Cyclo-converter characteristics with R and RL loads. Download
- Single Phase Series inverter with R and RL loads. Download
- Analysis of Single Phase half controlled converter with R and RL loads. Download
- Simulation of DC step down chopper with R and RL Load using MATLAB. Download
- Analysis of three phase Half Controlled Bridge converter. Download
- Simulation of Three phase Inverter using MATLAB. Download
- Simulation of three phase full converter with RL load using MATLAB. Download
- Simulation of Single Phase PWM inverter using MATLAB. Download
Lab attendance is required.
Continuous Assessment
# | Name | Question Paper | Schema |
1 | CAT - I | Download | Download |
2 | CAT - II | Download | Download |
It is my ultimate goal for this course, and my teaching, to develop your academic skills, advance your learning of electrical and electronics engineering concepts. To do so will require commitments from myself and from you toward meeting this goal.
Active Participation
I will be prepared and on time for class each day, ready to use class time to help you understand the course material. I will respectfully listen to, understand, and answer questions asked in class.
You are expected to attend class and actively participate in discussions every day, answering questions, asking questions, presenting material, etc. Your participation will be respectful of your classmates, both of their opinions and of their current point in their educational journey, as we each approach the material with different backgrounds and contexts.
Constructive Feedback
I will keep office hours and be available for outside appointments, and respond to emails. I will provide feedback on group presentations, exams, projects, and homeworks.
You are encouraged to provide constructive comments for improving this course for furthering your learning throughout the semester. There will be an opportunity for anonymous course feedback at the end of the semester, in which I hope you all participate. Through your feedback I can improve this course and others for future students.
Academic Integrity
I will abide by the above syllabus and grade your work fairly.
- All students have an equal right to their opinions and to receive constructive criticism.
- Students should positively engage the course material and encourage their classmates to do the same.
- No students should gain an unfair advantage or violate their peers' commitment to honest work and genuine effort. It follows that any work that a student submits for class will be that student's own work. The amount of cooperation undertaken with other students, the consistency and accuracy of work, and the test-taking procedure should adhere to those guidelines that the instructor provides.
- Members of the Hendrix community value and uphold academic integrity because we recognize that scholarly pursuits are aimed at increasing the shared body of knowledge and that the full disclosure of sources is the most effective way to ensure accountability to both ourselves and our colleagues.